DarkWow - 2007-05-28 22:02:17

Znalazlem to emu i moim zdaniem jest on

Jest Troche skomplikowan ale nadole macie wszystko co potrzeba

Compiles best with Visual Studio 2003, 2k5 is now supported supposedly. You also need the VS SDK to compile on windows.
To compile simply hit build, any errors are your problem.

This does not require maps to run, only dbcs which should be placed in the root folder.

3 .conf files are needed.
#1 "antrix.conf"

Database.Hostname =
Database.Username = root
Database.Password = root
Database.Name = antrix
Database.Port = 3306
Database.Type = 1

# Host Directive
# This is the address that the server will listen on.
# To listen on all addresses, set it to
# Default: (localhost)
Host =

# World Server Listen Port Directive
# This is the port that the world server listens on.
# It has to be the same as what is specified in the
# realms table in the LogonDatabase.
# Default: 8129
WorldServerPort = 8129this is effectively the world server configuration
databasetype 1 = mysql

#2 "logonserver.conf"

LogonDatabase.Hostname =
LogonDatabase.Username = root
LogonDatabase.Password = root
LogonDatabase.Name = antrix
LogonDatabase.Port = 3306
# mysql port
LogonDatabase.Type = 1
#datbase type = mysql
# This is the address that the realmlist will listen on.
# To listen on all addresses, set it to
Host =

# Realm List Listen Port Directive
# This is the port that the realm list listens on.
# Unless you have modded the clients, this will
# always be 3724.
# Default: 3724
RealmListPort = 3724

MinClientBuild = 6180
MaxClientBuild = 6500The client build part is likely to be the cause of the server not working (needs to be updated when a new patch comes out)and the rest is just the simple config

#3 "realms.conf"

LogonServerCount = 1
LogonServer1.Address = ""
#listen address
LogonServer1.Port = 8093
LogonServer1.Name = "Default Logon"
# not needed so leave it as default logon
RealmCount = 1
Realm1.Name = "Rofls"
#obviously realm name
Realm1.Address = ""
# realm address needs to have the same port as specified in antrix.conf *Important*
Realm1.Icon = "PVP"
# type
Realm1.Colour = 1
Realm1.Population = 1.0
Realm1.TimeZone = 1Sets the realm data, if misconfigured you will get stuck at the character connection screen. Unlike MaNOGS there is no realm configuration set in the db. It does not need to be done but it does help to read through all of the .conf files to check to see if theres anything that needs changing

That is all you need to get it running.
Run Logonserv first and then load antrix to stop it from crashing and you are done.

under src\scripts there are 2 solutions (vc71 and vc80) which, when working compile into script_bin and are loaded automatically.

hellboy - 2007-08-23 20:23:20

zajebańcu mały dark wow czy jak sie tam nazywasz dysmógu !! przestań odgapiać całe forum od dark wizarda
zajebańcu mały dark wow czy jak sie tam nazywasz dysmógu !! przestań odgapiać całe forum od dark wizarda
zajebańcu mały dark wow czy jak sie tam nazywasz dysmógu !! przestań odgapiać całe forum od dark wizarda
zajebańcu mały dark wow czy jak sie tam nazywasz dysmógu !! przestań odgapiać całe forum od dark wizarda
zajebańcu mały dark wow czy jak sie tam nazywasz dysmógu !! przestań odgapiać całe forum od dark wizarda
zajebańcu mały dark wow czy jak sie tam nazywasz dysmógu !! przestań odgapiać całe forum od dark wizarda
zajebańcu mały dark wow czy jak sie tam nazywasz dysmógu !! przestań odgapiać całe forum od dark wizarda
zajebańcu mały dark wow czy jak sie tam nazywasz dysmógu !! przestań odgapiać całe forum od dark wizarda

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